Practical Driving Tested and Graduated Licensing System

Practical Driving Tested and Graduated Licensing System

Practical Driving Tested

Queenslanders are being called on to give feedback and ideas for improving Queensland’s practical driving test, known as Q-SAFE.

Q-SAFE is designed to evaluate a person’s ability to drive safely and correctly in different situations, however the driving test has not been reviewed in more than a decade.

Recommendations to date included: development of best practice practical driving tests, suitable ‘cooling off’ or waiting period following a failed driving test and qualifications for driver examiners.

From Learner to Provisional

In July 2007 the Queensland Government introduced the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) to reduce fatalities on our roads, particularly among young motorists.

Although the Graduated Licensing System is not part of the Q-SAFE review, it is also being independently evaluated by the Q-SAFE panel.

Extensive community consultation will be undertaken with independently facilitated workshops with key stakeholders, and community forums are also planned.

The panel will assess their findings and inform the Queensland Government in late 2011, and the results are expected to be released next year.